Autumn Winds Bring Good News from the NIA, AAN, and Epilepsy Foundation

If you happen to reside in the Northeast, we here at the NeuroValue lab sincerely hope this cold, wet, blustery weather isn't dampening your spirits. Turkey Day is nigh, bringing with it the carbohydrate-dense relief we all desperately want (and need), so you'll hear no kvetching from us! And if you believe the well of [...]

Fall Update from the NeuroValue Lab- ELHS Partnership!

It's finally getting to be that time of year again- topcoats are hastily thrown on in the morning, the leaves start changing colors, the familiar smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice wafts out of the opening doors of coffee shops, beckoning you to come in and relax... ...but the NeuroValue Lab never rests! We are [...]

New AAN Epilepsy Quality Measures 2017 Update

The epilepsy quality measurement set 2017 update is finally out!   Every few years, the American Academy of Neurology updates standardized quality measures to improve the quality of care for patients. The 2017 epilepsy quality measurement set work group, tasked with updating the epilepsy quality measures, included our own Dr. Lidia Moura! Those interested can [...]

An Update from the AAN Health Services Research Subcommittee

The AAN has created a new webpage to highlight health services research (HSR) articles related to value in neurology. The webpage was created, and is maintained, by the HSR subcommittee of the AAN. If you would like to learn more about the work of this group or how to join the HSR Community at the AAN, [...]

Dr. Lidia Moura presents at the 2018 AAN Annual Meeting in Los Angeles

Dr. Lidia Moura presented on three topics at the 2018 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, which took place in Los Angeles, CA,  from April 21 - 27. Her presentations focused on patient-reported outcomes in neurology, utilizing non-federal funding for neurology research, and applying causal inference principles to observational data sets. The link to [...]